So, something I know that I used to struggle with and what I see many others struggling with at the moment is not 'seeing results'. This can be so frustrating as there's nothing worse than putting time and effort into something and just not seeing or feeling the changes. Exercising, eating right and getting yourself motivated to lead that healthy lifestyle can be difficult enough for some and so when you stop seeing results it gives you, it can become even more like a chore!
However, after doing a lot of thinking, I have put together a few reasons why this may be happening and how to avoid it. I'm not saying my opinions are 100% correct and will definitely benefit everyone but it's certainly helped me a lot so hopefully you will start to see a noticeable change too!
Diet is so important when it comes to seeing a change. Your body is not oblivious to things you put into it. So if it isn't good, don't fill your body with it because it will show adverse effects.You can work out 5 days a week and burn hundreds of calories but poor nutrition and not fuelling your body correctly will squander all the hard work at the gym! Give your body the nourishment it needs and along with your workouts you will start to see noticeable and beneficial changes.
While most people think that stress is just related to weight loss, it can actually make you GAIN weight also. Stress not only increases your cortisol level but it alters it's natural rhythm. This change in rhythm is what causes your body to have adverse effects. There are many reasons proven to show that stress can cause weight gain but just a few are that stress:
- raises your blood sugar
- makes you hungry and crave sugary foods
- reduces your ability to burn fat
- increases the rate at which you store fat
Stress is so destructive on our bodies as they are not made to deal with it. So when feeling stressed, try and find things to do which make you feel relaxed other than reaching for those tempting chocolates!
Believe it or not, sleep helps to control your diet. If you are getting less than seven hours of sleep per night, it can reduce and undo the effects of dieting. Getting too little sleep can mean your body becomes sleep deprived which disrupts it's ability to properly use insulin. I'm sure you have all heard of insulin right? Well insulin helps the remove fatty acids from your bloodstream and prevent storage. However, when you become more insulin resistant, fats circulate in your blood and pump out more insulin. This excess insulin ends up storing fat in all the wrong places, causing weight gain. It's been proven that those who sleep less show a 55% reduction in weight loss than those who are getting sufficient amounts of sleep. So aim to get around 7-8 hours of sleep a night and try and stick to a timed schedule, i.e, going to bed at a similar time at night and waking up at a similar time on a morning
As much as you think your workout may be doing you some good, the reason it may not be showing you results is because you are sticking with the same routine all the time. If you stick with the same exercises for long periods of time you are much more likely to plateau sooner than somebody who varies their workout. Just as you can get bored of your workout your body can also adapt to the exercises so much so that it stops giving the results they once did. So change up your routine even if its only small changes to certain activities and that might just be what you need to start seeing the results you want.
Now just the same as exercise is really important for you, so is REST. I know it's tempting to go to the gym everyday, smash out some really hard workouts and get into a solid routine, but your body needs time to relax. Over training can affect your sleep pattern, as it can put you in a state of restlessness which makes getting sufficient sleep difficult. So take a rest day and give your body that time to rewind and recharge. A day or two of rest will not set you back, in fact it will give you noticeably faster and better results than over training. Don't break your body!
Are you struggling to see results? Did this post help you in anyway? Are there any other tips you have?
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lots of love,
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