Wednesday, 28 October 2015

A Little Skincare Secret

Hello lovelies!

As a lot of you know, I struggle from really dry skin around my nose and t-zone areas, so much so that almost every foundation ends up looking flaky after application, how annoying! Recently the skincare routine I have been going by has been helping this but it's still quite a visible problem! Therefore I have been on the hunt for something a little bit different than your average moisturiser and that's how I found this beauty of a product - COCONUT OIL.

This product, which you can find here, is an amazing superfood but it is also so nourishing for the skin, and even your hair! It is 100% organic and raw and so has no nasty hidden ingredients. Just a small amount of this will leave your skin feeling soft, fresh and replenished. I honestly end up stroking my face for a good few minutes afterwards because it's so damn smooth!
I never thought something that is typically used for cooking, could be so amazing on the skin as well. I'm so used to using this in the kitchen that I just never thought otherwise. Recently I have been using this on my face morning and evening, along with my usual skincare routine and it's honestly been showing a dramatic change.

Coconut Oil is typically solid at room temperature but melts at body heat, so just a small bit goes a long way. I'd say the amount used here is more than enough to cover your whole face. I honestly swear by this product and will be continuing it as part of my daily skincare routine, especially now that winter is drawing upon us, as my skin tends to be even drier in cold conditions!
Have you tried using coconut oil on your skin? How did it work out for you - beneficial or not?
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