Saturday, 19 December 2015

Spiced Banana Bread with Chocolate Chunks | Blogmas Day 19

I'm back with yet another recipe *party popper emoji*. Banana bread is probably my favourite thing to bake and I thought that this time I would add some spices to it to give it that festive feel! I can assure you that if you bake this your taste buds will explode and your kitchen will smell like heaven. I genuinely sat in my kitchen for 45 minutes whilst it baked just so I could get multiple whiffs of the yummy goodness!

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Gingerbread Spiced Cupcakes | Blogmas Day 12

I think it's safe to say that I love baking, especially at this time of year. One of the main reasons why I love baking so much is because of the fact that I get to scrap the remaining cake mixture out the bowl at the end (I cannot be the only one who does this? Sometimes I find it tastes better than the cakes themselves, ha!)

Thursday, 10 December 2015

The Best Christmas Playlist | Blogmas Day 10

'The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.'

If there's one thing I love more than Christmas movies (you can see my Top 5 here), it's Christmas songs. I play them anywhere and everywhere I go, constantly have a song stuck in my head and occasionally (almost always), annoy the hell out of the person I'm with that day by singing it none stop. I know, I have a problem but it's fine. It's December, I'm allowed.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

#LeedsXmasMeet | Blogmas Day 9

So on Saturday, I had the privilege of attending the beautiful Rhianna's blogger event  #LeedsXmasMeet (which I'm sure you have all heard about because I, along with many other bloggers and Rhianna herself had not stopped going on about it for quite a while!) I had been looking forward to this event ever since I got the email about it a fair few months back and Saturday was finally the day and I was so unbelievably excited.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

The Perfect Hot Chocolate | Blogmas Day 2

I am LOVING doing blogmas already and we are only 2 days in. This is my first christmas with my blog so I wanted to go all out at my favourite time of year. I have already put up my christmas decorations and have been blasting christmas music, watching christmas films every evening and wearing my christmas jumpers for about 2 weeks now, so I think it's safe to say that I am very much in the Christmas spirit.

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