Friday, 1 January 2016

Reflecting on 2015

I honestly cannot believe I am even thinking of writing this post. 2015 is over! When the hell did that happen? I swear the years get quicker and quicker. It feels like only yesterday that we were celebrating the start of 2015 and now we are celebrating the start of 2016. I'm going to be 23 this year and that is genuinely terrifying! I'm also going to be trying daily blogging this year and that's even more terrifying. I don't think I quite realise the challenge I have placed on myself but we'll see how this one goes, shall we?

I'm going to be honest with you, although there have been good times this year, 2015 has been a fairly rocky one! One that for a few reasons I would like to try and forget about.  I don't have a perfect life; no one does. We all have bad years, and 2015 was mine! I have faced a lot of downfalls this year that I don't really feel extremely comfortable sharing but let's just say I had to defer my final year of university and I came out of a two year relationship a few days before my birthday. 

I always feel really awkward when I talk about the bad things that happen in my life because I tend to feel like I am annoying people or seeking attention and that isn't what this post is about. I seriously debated writing this post. It was sat in my drafts and I would keep coming back to it, rewriting it and never knowing the exact words to use. I have read so many positive reflections on other people's year and knowing that mine didn't exactly turn out to be filled with lollipops and rainbows, I feel almost ashamed to write it. 

Because of this, I am not going to go into detail about this years events but take it as more of a time to talk about the things that I have learnt this year. Through the tough times, I have had constant support from close friends and family. The support I have received has been so overwhelming. My downfalls have brought me closer to those I care about and it has made me realise that I don't necessarily need to have everything going smoothly to be happy. Sometimes we need sadness to bring joy to our lives and it's times like this that you come to learn what's good in your life. 

I have learnt that I need to do things that specifically make me happy, not doing things that people expect of me and or make them happy. I need to care less about what people think about me and just learn to be myself. Taking too much time trying to change who I am to please people is not what I should be doing. 2016 for me, is going to be the year that I focus on myself and find out what truly makes me happy, rid myself of all the bad in my life and learn to be positive! 

I am looking forward to just moving on and seeing what this year brings for myself and my blog and I'm hoping that you will stick with me on this journey! Here's to a positive year! Let's do this.

How did 2015 go for you? What are your aims for 2016? Let me know!

Don't forget to click here and follow my blog over on Bloglovin

lots of love, 

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